
We invite submissions of extended abstracts that address a number of outstanding issues related to natural and artificial autonomy. The length of the extended abstract should be between 1000 and 1500 words, preceeded by a short summary of 150 words. A selection of the presentations at the workshop will be invited to a follow-up meeting in Japan and submission for a special issue of the Artificial Life journal.

Please refer to the workshop topics for an overview of relevant themes.


The lenght of the extended abstract should be between 1000 and 1500 words, preceeded by a short summary of 150 words. Submission is required in two copies (a normal version and a blind version) in PDF format. The normal version should include Author names and affiliations + contact email of author for correspondence. The blind version should have no author names, nor self-references or other means of identification of the authors.

Please send the 2 copies to in PDF format by May 16 (extended deadline!) at the latest with the file names:

* Nomal copy: FIRST_AUTHOR_NAME_full.pdf (e.g.: Varela_normal.pdf)
* Blind copy: FIRST_AUTHOR_NAME_blind.pdf (e.g.: Varela_blindl.pdf)

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the scientific committee. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work as a short (20min) talk. The workshop will conclude with a general discussion about the various topics that have been presented.


Selected presentations will be invited to write full-length papers for a follow-up workshop to be held in Tokyo (Japan) before the end of 2011. The proceedings of this follow-up workshop will be published in a special issue of the journal Artificial Life.


May 16 (Monday): Submission of abstracts deadline
June 15 (Wednesday): Announcement of editors decision
July 1 (Friday): Revised abstracts due; announcement of workshop program
August 8 (Monday): Day of the workshop

Please e-mail for any queries.

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